I have been making Amy's senior scrapbook, and this morning I realized that I have 10 years left to do, and I have just over two weeks! It's kind of overwhelming. But this morning I did all of 1997, and I've started on 98. I have been scanning in the pictures, so we can have duplicates. There are some nice ones, and some interesting ones I came across. So I'll put them up here.

These are all in 1998. This one is with our cousin Kelly.

Notice how all four of us are on a teeter totter built for two?

And in this one, notice how we're all sort of blowing?

I think this one is hilarious.

And this one is the greatest. Dad is so strong, he can hold up Colorado boulders!
I thought y'all would like these pictures.
We have been pretty busy getting ready for Amy's graduation. We have two senior dinners coming up- one with church and one with ECC. It's scary how Amy being completely done with high school is so soon!
we look so funny reading upside down. haha.
yeah, you do. you were the cutest little kid!
Hey there!
I haven't been on your blog for a while - so it was great to catch up. Ellie, your cake was gorgeous. Wow. I can't imagine the work that went into it. Clara, congrats on the new badges and I loved the photo of you as a "cowgirl"...... ;)
The prom pictures were lovely - hadn't heard anything about it so was glad to see it here.
I really miss you guys! Ellie, I love the photos that you are using for the scrapbook. I can hardly remember you all being so young but I was there....so I know it happened!
Who is coming for Amy's graduation? Hope to hear from all of you. I have something coming in the mail to you all, soon.
Love from Auntie Steph
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